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Unleash the Magic: Top 10 Best 1st Level Wizard Spells in Pathfinder

Unleash the Magic: Top 10 Best 1st Level Wizard Spells in Pathfinder

Discover the top 1st level wizard spells in Pathfinder! From Magic Missile to Grease, these spells will help you succeed on any adventure.

When it comes to playing a wizard in Pathfinder, choosing the right spells can make all the difference. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which spells are the best for your character. In this article, we will take a closer look at the best 1st level wizard spells in Pathfinder and how they can give you an edge in combat and other situations.

First up on our list is the ever-popular spell, Magic Missile. This spell is a staple for any wizard and can deal reliable damage without the need for a successful attack roll. Next, we have Grease, a spell that can create difficult terrain for enemies and even cause them to fall prone. Another great spell is Sleep, which can incapacitate multiple enemies at once and give your party a chance to reposition or attack from a distance.

If you're looking for a more offensive spell, Burning Hands is a great choice. This spell deals fire damage in a cone-shaped area, making it a great option for taking out multiple enemies at once. For those who prefer a more defensive approach, Shield is an excellent spell that can increase your AC and help protect against attacks.

Continuing down the list, we have two spells that can be used to control the battlefield: Color Spray and Entangle. Color Spray can blind enemies and potentially knock them unconscious, while Entangle can restrain enemies and limit their movement. These spells can be especially effective when used together.

Next, we have Detect Magic, a spell that can be used to locate magical items or creatures within range. This spell can be incredibly useful for finding hidden or invisible enemies, as well as identifying magical traps or items. Another utility spell is Comprehend Languages, which allows you to understand and speak any language you encounter.

In addition to these spells, there are several others that can be useful in specific situations. For example, Identify can be used to identify magical items and their properties, while Mount allows you to summon a temporary mount for travel. Alarm can be used to set up a warning system for intruders, while Mage Armor can provide a boost to your AC without the need for armor.

It's important to note that the best spells for your wizard will depend on your playstyle and the needs of your party. However, by choosing some of the spells listed here, you can ensure that your wizard is well-equipped to handle any situation that comes their way. Whether you prefer offensive or defensive spells, utility spells or control spells, there are plenty of options available to help make your wizard a formidable force on the battlefield.

In conclusion, the best 1st level wizard spells in Pathfinder are those that can give you an advantage in combat and other situations. From reliable damage spells like Magic Missile, to defensive spells like Shield, to utility spells like Detect Magic and Comprehend Languages, there are plenty of options available to suit your needs. By choosing the right spells for your wizard, you can ensure that they are a valuable asset to your party and a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.


In the world of Pathfinder, wizards are known for their powerful spells and magical abilities. As a first level wizard, it can be overwhelming to choose which spells to learn and prepare. In this article, we will explore the best 1st level wizard spells in Pathfinder and how they can be used effectively in combat and outside of it.

Magic Missile

Magic Missile is one of the most iconic spells in Pathfinder and for good reason. This spell allows you to create up to five glowing darts of magical force that automatically hit your target. It's a reliable source of damage that cannot be dodged or blocked by physical armor. Magic Missile is especially useful against enemies with high armor class or resistance to physical attacks.


Grease is a versatile spell that can be used in many situations. It creates a slick surface on the ground that forces creatures to make a reflex save or fall prone. This spell can be used to trip enemies, create barriers, or even as a makeshift escape route. Grease is also a great spell to use when you need to move quickly but don't want to risk falling or tripping.

Burning Hands

Burning Hands is a cone-shaped spell that deals fire damage to all creatures in its area of effect. It's a great spell to use against groups of enemies or when you need to clear out a room quickly. Burning Hands can also be used to ignite flammable objects or create a distraction.

Mage Armor

Mage Armor is a spell that creates a magical force field around the caster, increasing their armor class. This spell is essential for wizards who have low hit points and need extra protection in combat. Mage Armor lasts for hours, making it a great spell to cast before entering a dangerous area or facing a tough opponent.

Color Spray

Color Spray is a burst of colorful light that blinds and stuns creatures in its area of effect. It's a great spell to use when you are outnumbered or need to escape from a dangerous situation. Color Spray can also be used to create a distraction or buy time to prepare other spells.


Shield is a spell that creates a magical shield around the caster, increasing their armor class and providing protection against missile attacks. This spell is especially useful for wizards who are vulnerable to ranged attacks or spells. Shield lasts for minutes and can be used multiple times per day.


Identify is a spell that allows the caster to identify magical items and their properties. This spell is essential for wizards who want to understand the magic they encounter and use it to their advantage. Identify can be cast on any object or creature and provides detailed information about its magical properties and abilities.


Alarm is a spell that creates an invisible magical field around an area or object. If anyone enters the area or tries to touch the object, an alarm sounds, alerting the caster. This spell is great for protecting your campsite, treasure, or any other valuable assets. Alarm lasts for hours and can be used multiple times per day.

Feather Fall

Feather Fall is a spell that slows the fall of creatures or objects, allowing them to gently float to the ground. This spell is essential for wizards who need to traverse dangerous areas with high drops or cliffs. Feather Fall can also be used to jump from high places without taking damage or to rescue falling allies.

Charm Person

Charm Person is a spell that allows the caster to charm a humanoid creature and influence their actions. This spell can be used to gain information, manipulate enemies, or even turn them into allies. Charm Person works best on creatures with low will saves, but it can be a powerful tool in the right hands.


These are just some of the best 1st level wizard spells in Pathfinder. As a wizard, it's important to choose spells that fit your playstyle and complement your abilities. With these spells in your arsenal, you'll be able to handle any situation that comes your way, whether it's in combat or outside of it.

As a first level wizard in Pathfinder, selecting the right spells can make all the difference in your success and survival. With a limited number of spell slots, it's important to choose wisely. In this article, we'll explore 10 of the best first level wizard spells in Pathfinder, each with its own unique benefits and uses.

Magic Missile: The Reliable Damage Dealer

Magic Missile is a go-to spell for many wizards due to its reliable damage output. This spell automatically hits its target, dealing 1d4+1 points of force damage per missile. At first level, you can cast one missile, but as you level up, you can cast more missiles per casting. This spell is particularly effective against enemies with high armor classes or resistances to certain types of damage.

Grease: The Versatile Crowd Control

Grease is a versatile spell that can be used for both offense and defense. When cast, this spell creates a slippery surface on the ground, causing creatures in the area to fall prone unless they succeed on a Reflex save. This can be used to slow down enemies or create obstacles for them to navigate around. Additionally, this spell can also be used to help allies escape from grapples or other forms of restraint.

Shield: The Essential Defensive Spell

Shield is an essential spell for any wizard looking to survive combat encounters. This spell creates an invisible barrier around you, granting a +4 bonus to your AC for the duration of the spell. This can be a lifesaver when facing off against powerful enemies or when caught off guard by an ambush. Additionally, this spell has no somatic or verbal components, making it a great choice for when you're unable to cast spells normally.

Burning Hands: The Powerful Area of Effect Spell

Burning Hands is a powerful spell that can deal damage to multiple enemies at once. When cast, this spell sends a cone of flames out from your hands, dealing 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level to all creatures within the area of effect. This spell can be particularly effective against groups of weaker enemies or when you need to clear out a room quickly.

Identify: The Must-Have Spell for Loot Hunters

Identify is a must-have spell for any wizard looking to identify magical items. When cast, this spell reveals the properties of a single magic item, including its effects, command words, and charges remaining. This can be incredibly useful when exploring dungeons or looting treasure hoards, as it allows you to quickly determine which items are worth keeping and which can be sold for gold.

Sleep: The Non-Lethal Solution for Encounters

Sleep is a non-lethal spell that can be used to incapacitate enemies without killing them. When cast, this spell causes a number of creatures within the area of effect to fall asleep for a period of time. This can be useful for avoiding combat altogether or for taking enemies out of the fight temporarily while you deal with other threats. It's important to note that sleeping creatures will wake up if they take damage, so be sure to coordinate with your allies before attacking.

Charm Person: The Socially Savvy Spell

Charm Person is a socially savvy spell that can be used to influence NPCs or other creatures. When cast, this spell makes the target more friendly towards you, allowing you to make requests or ask questions that they might not otherwise answer. This can be useful for gathering information or negotiating with NPCs, but be aware that the effects of this spell are temporary and wearing off can cause the target to become hostile towards you.

Comprehend Languages: The Linguistic Lifesaver

Comprehend Languages is a spell that allows you to understand and speak any language, even those you've never encountered before. This can be incredibly useful when dealing with foreign cultures or when trying to decipher ancient texts. Additionally, this spell can also be used to communicate with creatures that don't speak your native language, allowing for more effective diplomacy or negotiation.

Detect Magic: The Spell to Uncover Mysteries

Detect Magic is a spell that allows you to sense the presence of magical auras within a certain area. This can be useful for uncovering hidden magical items or clues that might be missed otherwise. Additionally, this spell can also be used to determine the properties of magical auras, allowing you to identify the school of magic and strength of the aura.

Feather Fall: The Life-Saving Spell for High Places

Feather Fall is a life-saving spell that can be used to slow your descent when falling from high places. When cast, this spell causes you or another creature to fall slowly and safely to the ground, taking no damage from the fall. This can be particularly useful when exploring areas with high ledges or when escaping from dangerous situations.

In conclusion, as a first level wizard in Pathfinder, selecting the right spells can make all the difference in your success and survival. These 10 spells - Magic Missile, Grease, Shield, Burning Hands, Identify, Sleep, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, and Feather Fall - are all excellent choices for any wizard looking to master their craft. Each spell offers its own unique benefits and uses, and when used strategically, can help you overcome even the toughest of challenges.

Best 1st Level Wizard Spells in Pathfinder

Point of View

As an experienced wizard, I believe that the best 1st level wizard spells in Pathfinder are those that can provide versatility, utility, and combat effectiveness. These spells can help you overcome various challenges and obstacles in your adventures.

Pros and Cons

Here are the pros and cons of the best 1st level wizard spells in Pathfinder:

1. Magic Missile


  • Automatic hit and damage
  • Ignores armor and shield bonuses
  • Can be used against invisible or hidden enemies


  • Low damage output compared to other spells
  • Single target only

2. Grease


  • Area of effect spell
  • Slows down enemies
  • Useful for creating obstacles or distractions


  • Can affect allies as well
  • Does not do damage
  • Enemies can still act while prone

3. Sleep


  • Area of effect spell
  • Can incapacitate multiple enemies
  • Can be used for non-lethal takedowns


  • Does not work on certain creatures
  • Enemies may wake up if attacked or disturbed

4. Mage Armor


  • Increases AC and survivability
  • Can be cast on allies
  • Lasts for hours


  • Does not protect against touch or incorporeal attacks
  • Uses up a valuable spell slot

5. Identify


  • Identifies magical items and their properties
  • Useful for treasure hunting and loot management
  • Can prevent harmful effects from unidentified items


  • Uses up a valuable spell slot
  • Only works on magical items

Table Comparison

Here is a table comparing the best 1st level wizard spells in Pathfinder:
Magic MissileAutomatic hit and damage
Ignores armor and shield bonuses
Can be used against invisible or hidden enemies
Low damage output compared to other spells
Single target only
GreaseArea of effect spell
Slows down enemies
Useful for creating obstacles or distractions
Can affect allies as well
Does not do damage
Enemies can still act while prone
SleepArea of effect spell
Can incapacitate multiple enemies
Can be used for non-lethal takedowns
Does not work on certain creatures
Enemies may wake up if attacked or disturbed
Mage ArmorIncreases AC and survivability
Can be cast on allies
Lasts for hours
Does not protect against touch or incorporeal attacks
Uses up a valuable spell slot
IdentifyIdentifies magical items and their properties
Useful for treasure hunting and loot management
Can prevent harmful effects from unidentified items
Uses up a valuable spell slot
Only works on magical items
In conclusion, the best 1st level wizard spells in Pathfinder are those that can provide versatility, utility, and combat effectiveness. Each spell has its own pros and cons, and it is important to choose the right spell for the right situation. As a wizard, it is essential to have a diverse set of spells at your disposal to be able to overcome any challenge that comes your way.

The Best 1st Level Wizard Spells in Pathfinder

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on the best 1st level wizard spells in Pathfinder. Whether you are a seasoned wizard player or new to the game, these spells will be essential to your gameplay and strategy. In this article, we have discussed ten of the best 1st level wizard spells that will give you an advantage in combat, exploration, and role-playing scenarios.

Firstly, we discussed the importance of the Identify spell, which allows you to identify magic items and their properties. This spell is crucial for any wizard who wants to make the most of their magical gear and ensure they are using it to its full potential. We also talked about how the Mage Armor spell can provide a significant boost to your character's defense, making them much harder to hit in combat.

Next, we discussed the Grease spell, which can be used to create difficult terrain to impede your enemies' movements or cause them to fall prone. This spell can also be used creatively to create distractions or set traps for unsuspecting foes. We also talked about the Magic Missile spell, a classic and reliable spell that deals automatic damage to your target, making it a great option for taking out weaker enemies or finishing off wounded foes.

The Sleep spell is another potent spell that can take out multiple enemies at once, making it particularly useful in large-scale battles. It's also a great option for sneaking past guards or taking out sentries without drawing attention to yourself. We also discussed the Charm Person spell, which can be used to persuade NPCs to do your bidding or gain valuable information from them.

The Burning Hands spell is an area-of-effect spell that can deal significant damage to multiple enemies at once. This spell can be particularly useful in tight spaces where enemies are clustered together, making it easier to hit multiple targets at once. We also talked about the Shield spell, which can provide a temporary boost to your character's AC, making them much harder to hit in combat.

The Expeditious Retreat spell is an excellent option for wizards who need to get out of sticky situations quickly. This spell can be used to outrun enemies or escape dangerous areas, making it a valuable tool in any wizard's arsenal. We also discussed the Ray of Enfeeblement spell, which can weaken your enemies and make them less effective in combat.

The Comprehend Languages spell is another essential spell that can be used to understand any written or spoken language. This spell can be particularly useful in role-playing scenarios where you need to communicate with NPCs who speak different languages. Finally, we talked about the Detect Magic spell, which allows you to detect magical auras and identify magical items in your vicinity.

In conclusion, these ten spells are some of the best 1st level wizard spells in Pathfinder. Each spell has its unique strengths and can be used creatively to gain an advantage in battles, exploration, and role-playing scenarios. Whether you're playing as a wizard for the first time or looking for new spells to add to your repertoire, these ten spells are sure to give you a leg up in any situation.

Thank you again for reading this article, and we hope that you find these spells as useful and exciting as we do. Happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Best 1st Level Wizard Spells Pathfinder

What are the best 1st level wizard spells for beginners?

The following are the best 1st level wizard spells for beginners:

  • Mage Armor: This spell can increase your armor class and help you survive in combat.
  • Magic Missile: This spell is an easy-to-use damage dealer that never misses.
  • Shield: This spell can increase your armor class and help you avoid damage.
  • Grease: This spell can make your enemies slip and fall, making them easier to hit.
  • Charm Person: This spell can make a person friendly towards you and give you an advantage when talking to them.

What are the most powerful 1st level wizard spells?

The following are the most powerful 1st level wizard spells:

  • Color Spray: This spell can stun and blind multiple enemies at once.
  • Sleep: This spell can put multiple enemies to sleep, making them harmless for a short period of time.
  • Burning Hands: This spell can deal massive damage to multiple enemies at once.
  • Enlarge Person: This spell can make a person bigger and stronger, giving them an advantage in combat.
  • Feather Fall: This spell can slow your fall and prevent you from taking damage from falling.

How many 1st level wizard spells can I learn?

A wizard can learn a number of 1st level spells equal to their Intelligence modifier plus one. For example, if a wizard has an Intelligence score of 16, they can learn four 1st level spells.

Can I cast 1st level wizard spells multiple times?

Yes, a wizard can cast their 1st level spells as many times as they want, as long as they have spell slots available. Spell slots are replenished after a long rest.